Category Archives: Just Write

Holiday Weekend

The morning’s dew hung heavy at the river edge

The sun at least an hour away from rising to warm the bones

Coleman’s mantle lit the bank and warmed the hands

Dressed in layers we were able to warm ourselves while setting up camp

We brought kindling and the first small logs to ready the fire

While I walked along the bank collecting more for the fire

Being thirteen I was an old hand at getting ready

To put the first worm baited pole in the water

© 2011 Michael Yost

Good times on the Holiday weekends like the 4th of July are

Some of my fondest memories of summer.

Nothing like before

The world is empty and void without you
As I spin the flesh falls off and drifts into space
Raw emotions left at the pulsating core
With nothing left to embrace
Nothing like before

The cold vacuum ices over the warmth of distant stars
Drawing out the last bit of life I have left
Pulsating less and less till no more
Frozen solid conscious yet alive stalling death
Nothing like before

Or does your conscience just stream and dream
When you die, left spinning, just beginning
The world is empty and void without you anymore
No forgiveness of my sinning
Nothing like before

© 2011 Michael Yost

Bloody Ass fault

Asphalt rises with each step
Slipping pebbles underneath
Hands bracing against the fall
Bits of glass bite beneath

Pebbles still rolling slipping
Knees scrape elbows follow
Chin bounces tongue blows blood
Writhing into a dirty wallow

Up on all fours one knee bent
Pushing off slipping forward
Going down hard once again
Then sliding down he went

Down to the beginning level
Looking back up brushing off crud
Finally scanning his clothes smiling
He walked away spitting blood

© 2011 Michael Yost

CEO Lament*

Lost in her eyes I could not express

At that moment in time my love’s excess

She captured my heart with one little glance

But blind to my mind’s eye jubilant dance

By chance she brushed by me

I became weak in the knees

Almost dropped what I held

I looked like some bad trainee


© 2011 Michael Yost

*It’s 55 words Does it count for Flash Friday?

Hurl the Apples

What is it that tears at my soul?

It’s not a pebble in my shoe or a thorn that retches my guts.

Bringing bile to the back of my throat only to recede and hide in the depths of my misery;

Waiting for its chance to explode and release itself!

Let it come to my relief please.

I would not wish this on my most hated enemy;

Although right now, he is miniscule compared to this pain.

It must be poison from that enchantress’s bowl of fruit!

How clever she was to tell me not to eat those apples just yet.

She knows what my favorite fruit is!

Of course she placed poison in those little green apples.

I will have her burned at the stake this witch;

But first hurl the apples at her; oh the pain.

© 2011 Michael Yost

Graven Image

What, just what is in your heart?
No one’s there to answer smart
The hollow image I schemed
Filling it up with my dreams

The idol of could be, seems
Finally choking to scream
What, just what is in your mouth?
Is there one in there yet here?

Speak to me lay aside fear
Echoes of my voice ring clear
What, just what am I saying then?
Hollow, hollow is how…low

© 2011 Michael Yost

Stroking Heads

I love stroking my shaved head.

It’s much cooler where the bald spot is… Strange.

Plus the bald spot is oval side to side; like a foot ball.

It’s one of the reasons I decided to shave.

The comb back and over made it look like a monkey’s ass.

Now that my eyebrows are taking over;

I’m wondering if I should trim or jut comb them back.

Not straight back but, the left one to the left and the right one to the right.

On windy day mousse them in both in the same direction.

I also thought of combing down and braiding them with my nose hair.

Since both of them along with my ear hair is growing for a three way under my nose.

No wait… a four way with my mustache… but I’d become a mouth breather

And then drink a lot of water and stand in front of the urinal all day… decisions

Decisions, decisions… To pee or not to pee is the question..

© 2011 Michael Yost

Over the Tracks

Over the tracks and through their hood
To the man’s corner to get some blow
The mule knows the way to where the dude stays
To the white and uncut snow  oh

Over the tracks and through their hood
Taking your life in your hands as you go
But it tingles the toes
And numbs the nose
As in the ground we go  oh

© 2011 Michael Yost

Thank you All

Monday, May 16, 2011

Blog of the Week – Michael’s Lair (16 May, 2011)

By Mary Kling
At Poets United we are all about our community. so please take the time support your fellow poets by visiting our Blog of the Week.

a blog written by Michael Yost
Some of Michael’s  poems I would like to highlight this week from this creatively done blog are:
Lesson Learned
Enlightened Arms

Evening Shore
Thanks, Michael, for being part of our community!

Every week Poets United tries to introduce our members and readers to a poet and poetry blog found  in our community. Poets United is about reading, writing, and enjoying one another’s poetry; and this is just one more way to show our support for one another. We would love to hear your comments on this poet’s blog and poetry; so please come back after visiting the blog of the week and let us know your thoughts.
We hope you enjoy visiting the highlighted blogs each week. Thank you for supporting your fellow poets with positive comments, and you may soon see your blog highlighted here.
Mary Kling   for   Poets United

Killing Naugas for Hydes

I’m talking to self

is this good for my healthhhh

thhhhinking out loud

high on a cloud

talking to selffff

blogger is a boogerrrrr

it can go to helllll

elevate higherrrr

climb up the spirerrrr

jump to expirerrrrrrr

talking to selfffff

flying togetherrrr

ripping cord direrrrr

squeaking the chairrrrr

back and forthhhhh

talking to selffff

now back on the shelffff

©2011 Michael Yost

Scott Will Understand

Passing Jane again causes such pain.
That warming smile and blue eyes pushes me around like a leaf in the wind.
Oh how I wish I could break free from my self inflicted exile and wrap my arms around her.
I monitor her classes occasionally, but I fear my sighs and sobs would end up distracting her and giving me away.
So I mostly steal looks when I can from higher places so as not to alarm her. 
People wouldn’t understand my love and obsession for her and label me a stalker.
I would never harm or intrude on her space, in fact I am her protector and guardian against those that would do her harm.
Her occasional smile and laugh even though not meant for me carry me throughout the day.
At night is the hardest, because I can be the closet and overhear her conversations with her friends.
She loves this open air cafe and from the second floor I hear her phone conversations with Scott.
He’s away in school in England and they talk twice a week.
He’s just a kid and has no idea what kind of woman Jane is.
When he comes home for holiday I’ll have a talk with him; I’m sure he’ll understand he’s no good for her.

©2011 Michael Yost

Words That Mean Something to me Today


Defining existence for me is occupying space and time in a productive manner.

Just occupying is taking up space, uses other people’s air and sets a bad example.

My existence was the latter until I seen the results of my actions on those around me.

I’ve done what I can and keep trying to set a new example, but the damage is done.

Now it’s going to progress until their personal vision sees their effect on others.

Hopefully their vision will occur quicker than mine did to change this vicious cycle.

My wish and hope centers around others seeing and listening to what I’m doing and saying.

Start the changes now; let productivity be your goal towards making a difference in your and others lives.

© 2011 Michael Yost

There are many paths


*”There are many paths up the Mountain,
but the view of the moon from the top is the same.”

**Following the river seems the easiest at first,
Until the waterfalls only quenches your thirst.

Climbing the rocks the next easiest you decide;
But keeps pushing you back, because of the slides.

The thorny path looks like the hardest to pass;
Cutting all the thorns down you reach the top last.

You could have saved time measuring the feat
Sometimes what looks the hardest way up is
The easiest to complete.

© 2011 Michael Yost

*Ancient Japanese saying

**Adding my thoughts

Sarah Jakle and Creative Writing

Sarah Jakle

I lose myself in words and try to gain the voice of the poet. My hope is to keep those things around me that are important alive and in front of other people’s eyes. To revitalize the world’s interests in less observed profundities and minutiae; while soothing my soul with these observations. More often I find it torments my soul; the disregard and loathing it has for others – myself included.

Poetry is a lot of things to a lot of people, but it’s definitely not for wimps.

Thank you Sarah Jakle, If not for you in helping me to open my eyes, I would still be floating alone and mentally isolated on the seas of depression; without a voice to shout with.

Michael Yost

Past the Man Crying

Pass through the door past the man who cry’s
For the understanding of life’s cycle
And why all must go through life and die
Some others wish it to be actual

While hold outs live to be perpetual
Fangs in your throat sucking you dryly
Leaving you love notes with smiley’s
RSVPeeing over their daisy purr petuals

Again beyond original intent

Pass through the door past the man who’s crying
Looking for enlightenment’s ending
Doubtful its lack of control pending
Yet hold outs live while love ones are dying

© 2011 Michael Yost

*Sometimes you leave it as it was.


From His Part He Looks Left Handed

It’s a reverse mirror showing the real you.
Are you outside looking in or inside looking out?
Your nose is turned in the opposite direction.
Your forehead wrinkles slant the other way.

Speaking, the words seem to have a new control over your lips.
You listen differently too, the words sound recorded.
Everything you are used to is suddenly, Used Too;
Which one now is really the evil twin?

©2011 Michael Yost

Thursday Poet Rally  Week 42

Including the Crumbs

Some passerby’s smiled nervously; most avoided eyes and looked down; both left you with an unseated welcome. As it happened to be, the young couple with baby was standing up. Their car overheated towing a small picketed trailer that carried all their personal belongings, not including any large appliances.

Thomas, Betty and baby Sarah were locked out; factories closed and were forced to move on west to California. Homeless, Hungry, and hurting; Sarah only had 3 diapers left but without some food soon, the diapers weren’t going to be needed.

They were broke down downtown in a small town, called Dairy town, with no milking cows or any other kind of animals anywhere to be seen coming into the place. The world was just being swallowed whole and these poor people were nothing but crumbs left on the table cloth.

Betty sat down on the curb holding Sarah when both started to cry. Thomas didn’t see who started first, but they both could have had the same pang of hunger as he did as the Bakery opened its doors right behind them. Ginger the baker’s wife seen the situation, went inside and came back out with a loaf of warm sliced bread, butter and coffee. She sat right down on the curb next to Betty, introduced herself and asked if the baby had a bottle. Thomas went to the car, grabbed the bottle from the back seat and Ginger was already at his heels asking if powered milk was ok and both of them said yes immediately.

Sarah was finally settled drinking her bottled milk; Ginger began talking about the mad cow disease wiping out the dairy and other cattle very quickly. Then she mentioned how Butch, her husband had been the town’s butcher but had to start baking to make an income.

Betty was about to shake the crumbs from her napkin, but Ginger physically stopped her and told her that around here we save everything now days, including the crumbs.

© 2011 Michael Yost

What’s YOUR Four am Like?

It’s 4am on a Tuesday
The regular crowd shuffles in
I sit alone at my computer
Wishing I had some Tonic and Gin

Been sober now for so long
The urge just goes away
Where did my dam cigarettes go
One habit that had to stay

Turned on Winamp to play a melody
There’s a song I don’t know how it goes
Bout some piano player thought a poet
And i thought I was the poet but
I guess I’ll just eat some dam crow.

© 2011 Michael Yost

The Nursery

Spring time is for new life or is it for raking under the freshly dead?
There’s a little life left in the dead for the seedling to suck dry into dust.
The sad tidings are the seedlings are forced to use failed DNA and imprints.
One root after another hitting rock bottom again; more shallow every season.

Maybe a brittle snap of winter will return, supplying more dead for yet newer life.
Some who are perfect escapes the nursery, being transplanted into a new environment.
The fresher soil still steams with nitrogen and oxygen flooding into their roots with new life.
No one knows their fate as the shovels begin to turn the rest of us under again into the void.

© 2011 Michael Yost

Thursday Poet Rally

If there’s a will….

What say you my old friend, my pen?

You’ve seen my prized love letters.

Tear stained port to port letters from the sea.

Struggling through my inventories.


Words scattered here and there as a young poet.

They said I had great talent but didn’t know it.

My well-intended to do lists never to be done.

More tossed away promises than one hundred politicians.


Now after our many trials and transfusions it’s time.

It’s time to reveal the desires of my heart and where it should go.

The tea kettle is whistling; it’s time to warm your ink and my soul.

I, Michael Yost, being of sound mental health and of contractual capacity..

©2011 Michael Yost

They’re all passed away and gone.


They’re all passed away and gone.

My dexterity is gone as well as I scribble these words down.

Who will read these scribbled thoughts?

They’re all passed away and gone.

Some may have survived, but it’s been two years and I’ve seen no one.

Didn’t Rod Sterling predict something like this would happen?

They’re all passed away and gone.

I miss the meal times and the conversations over a class of wine.

How will I survive now that all these canned goods have gone bad?

They’re all passed away and gone.

Hearing the birds sing and the occasional dog barking has stopped.

I wonder why they were the first to die off; the animals I mean?

They’re all passed away and gone.

The wind still blows to the east and the fires I set might cleanse all the dead.

It makes sense doesn’t it; everything is dead and nothing grows; what can it hurt?

They’re all passed away and gone.

I was lucky to find these pills, Morphine Sulfate 200 MG SR TAB, I think I have enough.

500 ought to do it; don’t you think?

© 2011 Michael Yost

Sleepy Time Pee

I slept the whole night for a change; 10:30-5:30, with only two pee breaks.  Normally I get up after one of the pee breaks, but for some strange reasons I went back to bed both times.  Tonight I had two dreams I remember. One where I was left holding up a fish tank because it had a broken leg on the buffet it was on, and I couldn’t get any help, even though the ex was flitting around the house getting ready for a party.  The second dream was, I was on a bus going nowhere I could remember, and losing my wallet and cell phone while going there.  In both dreams I decided I didn’t like where either dream was going and forced myself to wake up and go pee.

© 2011 Michael Yost

More Sadder or Funnier Than:

More sadder or funnier than:

An old girl friend getting stung on the bare butt by a wasp while sitting on an outhouse toilet seat.

Now it’s your turn..

Old Chinese Proverb *


Confucius say,

“If you are in a book store and cannot find

the book for which you search, you are obviously in the…

Book Store

*Sent to me by email.  Couldn’t resist.